Maternelle Saint Bruno (38000, Grenoble)

Informations générales

Type d'établissement : École maternelle et primaire
Statut de l'établissement : Établissement Privé
Académie : Académie de Grenoble
Zone scolaire : Zone A

Adresse, contact, coordonnées

Maternelle Saint Bruno
27 Avenue De Vizille
38000 Grenoble
Téléphone : 04 76 96 61 13
Site Web : n.c.

Conditions d'accueil dans l'établissement

Nombre d'élèves : 120
Réseau d'éducation prioritaire (REP) : non
Réseau d'éducation prioritaire renforcé (REP+) : non
Présence d'une cantine : oui
Unité localisée pour l'inclusion scolaire (Ulis) : oui
Indice de position sociale (IPS) : 133 indice favorable

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(1 avis)
Signaler Hello everyone. It is good news for all those Apple Fanboys who  -  20/01/2021

Hello everyone. It is good news for all those Apple Fanboys who were trying to get their hands on the Apple Watch or should we say "Get Apple Watch on their hands" but couldn’t due to the apparent reason – its price. get things free

Signaler Hello everyone. It is good news for all those Apple Fanboys who  -  20/01/2021

Hello everyone. It is good news for all those Apple Fanboys who were trying to get their hands on the Apple Watch or should we say "Get Apple Watch on their hands" but couldn’t due to the apparent reason – its price. get things free

Signaler Hello everyone. It is good news for all those Apple Fanboys who  -  20/01/2021

Hello everyone. It is good news for all those Apple Fanboys who were trying to get their hands on the Apple Watch or should we say "Get Apple Watch on their hands" but couldn’t due to the apparent reason – its price. get things free

Signaler Hello everyone. It is good news for all those Apple Fanboys who  -  20/01/2021 Pas mal

Hello everyone. It is good news for all those Apple Fanboys who were trying to get their hands on the Apple Watch or should we say "Get Apple Watch on their hands" but couldn’t due to the apparent reason – its price. get things free

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